The Catholic Church calls the Mass ' the source and summit of our Christian lives' (Catechism, 1324). It is both source and summit because, at Mass, we encounter Jesus in a unique way. There we come into His presence, uniting our lives with His: there we receive Christ himself in Holy Communion, which is truly His Body and Blood.
At Mass our souls are filled with His power and strength and we are given the means to love one another, as Christ commanded.
Finally, the Mass is the best way of giving thanks to God for all the gifts He has given us. Another word for the Mass is 'eucharist', which means 'thanksgiving.'
The sacrament of Reconciliation takes place each Saturday between 10.30 – 11.00 a.m, before Mass and on request.
Christians celebrate funeral rites to offer worship and thanksgiving to God, the author of all life. We pray for the deceased, and support the bereaved. The model for Catholic funerals is the Easter journey of Jesus Christ from death to resurrection. This is why we are encouraged to celebrate the funeral in three stages: prayer vigil, funeral liturgy, and committal. Funeral practice varies considerably, and the Church provides several options from which we can choose freely. There is greater flexibility and involvement possible than we sometimes imagine.
While we are encouraged to celebrate a funeral over these three stages, for a variety of good reasons this model is not always possible or appropriate to the circumstances. Many combinations of funeral rites are possible. The funeral may even comprise a single act of worship either in the cemetery chapel or crematorium.
For more information please phone Fr. Thé on
0121 373 0988
mass times
Sunday Masses:
Saturday Mass at Maryvale Monastery 10.00am.
Masses on Saturday to fulfil Sunday obligation:
Christ the King church 12.30pm,
Maryvale church 6pm.
Sunday Masses:
Christ the King church 10.00am,
Maryvale church 11.30am.
(There is also Sunday Mass at Maryvale Monastery 9.00am)
There is no 12.00 noon Mass on a Sunday at Christ the King Church.
If you cannot make it to the Mass please do not exclude yourself from Christ the King parish. If you would like anointing or in need of a priest do contact Fr Thé on 0121 373 0988Weekday Masses:
- Mondays and Wednesdays at 8.00am at the Convent on Hawthorn Road..
Tuesday and Fridays are usually at 9.00 am at the Church, but please check these times and locations against the latest newsletter, because there may be changes.
- For other times and events, including Holy Days of Obligation, please see the NEWSLETTER, on the news page.
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BOOKING A BAPTISM: Rather than conducting group sessions on a monthly basis – as has previously been the case - anyone wishing to have their child baptised should speak to Fr. The when attending Mass on a Sat/Sun, when their individual preparation can be discussed and planned. It is essential that at least one of the parents have themselves been baptised in the Catholic faith and that both are committed to their role/responsibility for nurturing the child’s journey in faith.
BAPTISM CERTIFICATES: As frequently occurs at this time of year, numerous requests are received from parents eager to obtain a copy of the Certificate they were presented with at the time their child was baptised, in order to support an application for admission to a Catholic Primary/Secondary School. The most appropriate manner in which to access this support is to speak to Fr. The after whichever Mass you would normally attend as a family on Sat/Sun and provide him with written details of the child/parents name and the relevant dates of birth/baptism.
This can be the most momentous and wonderful occasion of our lives.
It is a privilege for us to be involved in your marriage. We will do everything we can to make sure that the service here is the highlight of your wedding day.
Because we want to encourage people to get married and enjoy God’s grace and blessing, we make no charge for use of the Church, for the priest’s time, the bells and so on. However, we can only allow marriages where one person is a baptised Roman Catholic and neither bride nor groom have been married before.
For more information please phone Fr. Thé on
0121 373 0988